Past Courses

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Official website of the course "Human Computer Interaction" (code 02JSKOV) offered to students in the 2nd year of the M.S. in Computer Engineering (among elective courses).

This page contains the archived version for the 2019/2020 edition of the course. Short link to the current edition:

Latest news

  • 2020-08-19: Added the next exam dates, with deadlines (in the "Exam" section)
  • 2020-06-11: Added the next exam dates, with deadlines (in the "Exam" section)
  • 2019-11-21: Added a new "Development Resources" section, to provide students with pointers to relevant Web resources.
  • 2019-10-14: All the communication and messages with teachers, and among students, will happen in a dedicated Slack workspace (i.e., no emails). Please, join the workspace by following the invitation link published on the Portale della Didattica.
  • 2019-10-09: Updated the exam section. Published the first lab.
  • 2019-09-25: Welcome to the first edition of the course.

Basic info

See the Information section.


Identity card

Title: Human Computer Interaction
Credits: 6 credits
Year: 2nd year Master degree (elective courses)
Semester 1st semester (September-January)
Language: English
Official link: Portale della Didattica
Main teacher: Fulvio Corno
Other teachers: Luigi De Russis

Class hours

Tuesday 17:30-19:00 Room 10I Class
Wednesday 11:30-13:00 Room 10I Class
Thursday 10:00-11:30 LABINF Lab (group I)
Thursday 11:30-13:00 LABINF Lab (group II)

See the Schedule section for detailed information.

Course Contents

Nowadays, computing devices are ubiquitously present and integrated in our daily life. Sensors and actuators are, indeed, embedded in home appliances, lights, or cars; wearable devices like smart watches provide information at glance and act as always-on and personal digital extensions; smartphones and tablets are widely spread. Moreover, most of such devices are Internet-connected and people communicate with them by using various interaction paradigms, ranging from "click", to "touch", to gestures, speech, or tangible manipulation. As the technology improves, however, we are challenged of how to design suitable interfaces and interactions, so that people can use such technologies with "joy" rather than "frustration".
This course would provide a strong foundation to address this challenge. In addition, the course will give students hands-on practice to master this complexity and to develop innovative solutions by adopting a modern human-centered design process while building a web application to serve a set of target users. In the end, students will learn how to design and build technologies usable, useful, and used.
The course will be held in English.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge: Concepts of Usability, User Experience. Human-centered design processes and their application. Novel Interaction Technologies.

Skills: Developing a working prototype according to a human-centered design process. Mastering some novel interaction technologies. Experience joint development of a project in a group of engineers.


Programming skills
Knowledge on web and related technologies/languages (e.g., HTML, JS, client-server architectures, …)
Attitude towards working in teams


Course topics will cover three areas:

  1. Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction: history, the human, the computer, vision of the future (0.5 credit).
  2. Building interactive applications with a human-centered process. The main tasks and methods to design, develop, and evaluate an interactive application: needfindings strategies, low- and high-fidelity prototypes, mental models and visual design, heuristic evaluation, and basic concepts and methods for controlled experiments (3 credits of lectures and exercises). This part will focus, in general, on the design process. In parallel, the concepts will be applied to a specific application domain and a specific interaction technology and carried on during the lab hours in the course projects developed by student groups (1.5 credits).
  3. "Beyond WIMP" paradigms: e.g., tangible interaction, wearables, voice user interfaces, gestures, eye tracking, and interaction with IoT systems. Each paradigm will be discussed from different perspectives, ranging from rationale and vision, to contemporary examples and development tools (1 credit). Thematic seminars on emerging topics will also be included, as well as the illustration of specific "case studies".

Most of the topics will have a theoretical (in-class) foundation plus hands-on (in-lab) experiences by using web technologies. Students' projects will follow the proposed human-centered design process and will submit intermediate deliverables. Projects will consist of a modern web application, in which one of the "beyond WIMP" technologies is exploited for user interaction.
During the course, communication within teams and with teachers as well as project development will adopt contemporary solutions and tools (e.g., Git and GitHub, Slack, …).


The learning method is both project-based (i.e., students learn by doing a project) and problem-based (i.e., the project work starts from real users' needs), with teams of students working together towards a common goal.

Project-related activities will start since the beginning of the course and teachers will provide support and guidance for the entire semester. The project will be accompanied by deliverables to be prepared before given deadlines. The course may include live seminars by people from industry or other organizations.


The course material is available in the Schedule section and in a dedicated GitHub repository. Lectures will be video-recorded and will be made available on the Portale della Didattica, on this website, in a YouTube playlist, and on BitTorrent.

Course material encompasses slides, readings, exercises and examples (both in class and in lab), as well as additional references and links.


This section hosts the schedule and learning materials of all the lectures and labs, with topics and deadlines described in each of them. Please consider that the following information is a tentatitive preview of the course organization, is provided only for helping students organization and planning, and is subject to change without notice.

All slides, examples, exercises, and any other material used in the classroom and in the lab will be also posted in a GitHub repository. Moreover, all lectures will be video-recorded and will be available on the Portale della Didattica, as well as here and in a dedicated YouTube playlist.

Type: L = Lecture, EA = Exercises in classroom, EL = Exercises in laboratory (LABINF)
Teacher: FC = Fulvio Corno, LDR = Luigi De Russis

01/10/2019 L Introduction to the course
Presentation of the Project Work
17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
02/10/2019 L What is HCI? 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
08/10/2019 L Human-Centered Design Process
17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
09/10/2019 L Needfinding 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
10/10/2019 EL Hall of (Sh|F)ame: UI edition 10:00-11:30 - LDR
15/10/2019 L Prototyping (I) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
16/10/2019 L Prototyping (II) 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
17/10/2019 EL Needfinding: preparation for Milestone 1 10:00-11:30 - LDR
22/10/2019 L Prototyping (III) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
23/10/2019 L Guidelines (I) 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
24/10/2019 EL Needfinding (cont'd) 10:00-11:30 - LDR
29/10/2019 L Guidelines (II) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
30/10/2019 L Heuristic evaluation (I) 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
31/10/2019 EL Storyboards and paper mockups 10:00-11:30   LDR
05/11/2019 L/EA Heuristic evaluation (II) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
06/11/2019 EA/L Heuristics (exercise) 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
07/11/2019 EL Heuristic evaluation 10:00-11:30 - LDR
12/11/2019 L Visual design 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48  FC
13/11/2019 L Multimodal interaction (I) 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48  LDR
14/11/2019 - Participation to World Usability Day Torino (UniTo) 09:00-13:00  -  -
19/11/2019 L Multimodal interaction (II) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
20/11/2019 L Voice user interfaces 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
21/11/2019 EL Wireframe and UI skeleton. Supervised work group (web app implementation) 10:00-13:00  - LDR
26/11/2019 EA

Voice user interfaces on the Web (I): overview and Web Speech API

17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
27/11/2019 EA Voice user interfaces on the Web (II): Dialogflow 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
28/11/2019 EL Supervised work group (web app implementation) 10:00-11:30 - LDR
03/12/2019 EA Voice user interfaces on the Web (III): Dialogflow integration 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
04/12/2019 EA Voice user interfaces on the Web (IV): Webhook 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
05/12/2019 EL Supervised work group (web app implementation) 10:00-11:30 - LDR
10/12/2019 L User Evaluation: Usability Testing (I) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
11/12/2019 L User Evaluation: Usability Testing (II) 11:30-12:00 icons8 play button 48 LDR
11/12/2019 EA Usability Testing: example of planning 12:00-13:00 - LDR
12/12/2019 EL Supervised work group (web app implementation) 10:00-11:30 - LDR
17/12/2019 - No class! - - -
18/12/2019 EA Exercises for the exam 11:30-13:00 icons8 play button 48 FC
19/12/2019 EL Supervised work group (web app implementation) 10:00-11:30 - FC
    Christmas vacation      
07/01/2020 L User Evaluation: Controlled Experiments (I) 17:30-19:00 icons8 play button 48  LDR
08/01/2020 - No class (sospensione attività didattica) 11:30-13:00 - -
09/01/2020 EL Usability Testing: preparation 10:00-11:30 - FC
14/01/2020 L User Evaluation: Controlled Experiments (II) 17:30-19:00  icons8 play button 48 LDR
15/01/2020 L  User Evaluation: Controlled Experiments (III). Example. 11:30-13:00  icons8 play button 48 LDR
16/01/2020 EL Supervised work group (web app implementation) 10:00-11:30 - LDR
16/01/2020 L Written exam simulation [Room 13S] 11:30-13:00 - LDR

Video Lectures

Video lectures area also available to download via BitTorrent.


Development Resources

This section presents some resources useful for software development that may be relevant for (final) interactive prototypes. Moreover, it lists the software applications and libraries used during the course.

Do you need to refresh your memory about web development? Web Fundamentals is "Google's opinionated reference for building amazing web experiences".

Software In Use

Web Design and Development Resources



The exam consists of two parts:

  1. Written test [40%: 13 points, minimum 7]
    • Design methods, design processes, design and analysis instruments, ...
    • No coding
  2. Evaluation of the projects (by group) [60%: 20 points]
    • Milestones
    • Source code

Both parts must be passed in the same academic year, in any order. Material for the projects evaluation must be available on the GitHub repository assigned to each group.

Next exams, with deadlines:

  • [written test] 03/09/2020, h. 14:00
    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 28/08/2020, on the Portale della Didattica
  • [project eval] 10/09/2020, h. 10:00
    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 04/09/2020, on the Portale della Didattica
    • all the milestones (including the code) must be on the group's GitHub repository by 04/09/2020
    • specify any request via Slack at the teachers (#discussion channel), by 04/09/2020

Group Projects (with Milestones)

All the deadlines are EOD (End Of Day).

Written Exams