Past Courses

Article Index


The exam consists of two parts:

  1. Written test [40%: 13 points, minimum 7]
    • Design methods, design processes, design and analysis instruments, ...
    • No coding
  2. Evaluation of the projects (by group) [60%: 20 points]
    • Milestones
    • Source code

Both parts must be passed in the same academic year, in any order. Material for the projects evaluation must be available on the GitHub repository assigned to each group.

Next exams, with deadlines:

  • [written test] 03/09/2020, h. 14:00
    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 28/08/2020, on the Portale della Didattica
  • [project eval] 10/09/2020, h. 10:00
    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 04/09/2020, on the Portale della Didattica
    • all the milestones (including the code) must be on the group's GitHub repository by 04/09/2020
    • specify any request via Slack at the teachers (#discussion channel), by 04/09/2020

Group Projects (with Milestones)

All the deadlines are EOD (End Of Day).

Written Exams