# Milestone 1: Project description and Needfinding: [Insert Project Name] _ISTRUCTIONS_: Fill this template by writing under each title, according to the instructions reported in `[]`. When you have done, remove this line, and put the file in your private group repository on GitHub, under a `M1` folder. ## Overview and planning [Describe here your the main activity and types of people you chose to observe, and explicitly explain how the activity and people relates to the original project idea.] ## Observation [Thorough descriptions of your observations for each of the three people observed. You must include at least *three* photos (or sketches) of a issue or opportunity that stemmed from your observations: ideally, one photo/sketch for each person you observed. Remind that each photo/sketch must have a caption that highlights the issue or opportunity observed. Put the photos/sketches in the same `M1` folder of your repository.] ### Interviews [Report here the list of questions you preparred and, ultimately, made to each person you interviewed. Then, summarize their answers.] ## User Needs [Write down the results: list here the 3-4 user needs you identified] ## Project Description [A short paragraph (2-4 sentences) that describes how your project would address one (or two) deep user needs, by including your personal take on suitable strategies to adopt]