
The e-Lite research group welcomes Alberto Monge Roffarello and Juan Pablo Saenz, who started their Ph.D. in Computer and Control Engineering in the XXXII cycle, on November 2016. The Ph.D. students joined the e-Lite Research Group, and will work on topics lying in the intersection of Ambient Intelligence, Internet of Things, Human Computer Interaction, Semantic Web, End User Development, and Smart Energy.

The teaching experience gathered in the Ambient Intelligence course, that is based on problem-based learning with multisciplinary student groups, has been published in the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Education. The paper focuses on the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the benefits brought by the teaching methodology, and analyzes three specific research questions: 1. Can the complexity of an AmI system be tackled by third-year undergraduates with limited background knowledge? 2. Can students, design, prototype, and demonstrate a complete project within a single semester, and with their limited experience? 3. Is the collaboration of students from different back-grounds fruitful in AmI systems development? The paper presents the learning goals and teaching strategies, analyzes the learning outcomes from the qualitative and quantitative points of view, and highlights the lessons learned in the process.

On September 27, 2016, Xian Wang defended his Ph.D. thesis "Design and Evaluation of Novel Gesture-Centric Interaction Models in Smart Spaces" at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Fulvio Corno was a member of the jury committee for the Ph.D. defense.

Voglio condividere la mia grande soddisfazione per l'Ambient Intelligence Student Showcase di ieri, e ringraziare tutti coloro che vi hanno contribuito.

La partecipazione di pubblico è stata ancora maggiore rispetto agli scorsi anni, e vi era una maggioranza di persone provenienti dal mondo industriale: ciò ci convince a perseverare sempre più su questa strada di didattica sperimentale ed apertura verso le aziende. Grazie a tutti per essere intervenuti e per le parole di incoraggiamento nei confronti di noi docenti e degli studenti.

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Gli studenti e i docenti del corso di Ambient Intelligence sono lieti di invitarvi allo showcase pubblico dei migliori lavori di gruppo realizzati durante l'edizione 2016 del corso!
I progetti di quest'anno sono tutti collocati nel contesto del tema "Health and well-being" (salute e benessere).

L'evento sarà ospitato dall'incubatore Treatabit presso la Sala Agorà dell'I3P a partire dalle ore 17:00 di martedì 4 Ottobre 2016

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Wearable devices are tracking our steps, our locations, our calories, our sleep hours, and even our pets' ones. But for some categories of users, the availability of a device that monitors the location and the behavior becomes more than just a fitness or fashion issue: it may help their health and safety. In particular, with the ageing population, the incidence of Mild Cognitive Impairments (MCI) is significantly growing, and people need assistance in not getting lost (knowing their locations, being warned if they wander too far, being traceable by caregivers), in daily reminders (about medications, but also eating and drinking), in detection of health issues (fever, falls, hearth rate). All of this can be accomplished with Internet-connected wearable devices.

The thesis of Ian Martinez Garcia, a visiting student from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, explores this issue, and proposed a prototype able to embody many of the mentioned features. Ian Martinez developed his thesis in collaboration with Caretek, that already focuses on wearable solutions for e-health and is actively focusing on next-generation IoT-based devices and services.