
DAUIN PhD Poster Day 2017

On Thursday, 19 October 2017, the 18 Ph.D. candidates in Computer and Control Engineering will present their research activities at the DAUIN PhD Poster Day 2017.

The DAUIN PhD Poster Day is opened to everyone interested in the research activities of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) of the Politecnico. In that event, Ph.D. students at the end of their study (XXX cycle) will discuss their work and experience, to foster new collaborations with industries and to give M.S. students the opportunity to discover the Ph.D. program in Computer and Control Engineering.

DAUIN PhD students at the end of their studies (XXX cycle) will present and discuss their research activities on October 19, 2017 in the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN), 2nd floor, during the DAUIN PhD Poster day.

For the e-Lite research group, Teodoro Montanaro will present his work about the design and the development of new IoT architectures able to enhance user experience with IoT notifications, reducing disruption caused by them.

All interested persons are invited to attend the presentation.

L’importanza del digitale per una società maggiormente inclusiva. Il punto di vista di relatori che hanno un differente approccio all’argomento, per sottolineare l’importanza delle app ideate per abbattere il gap che crea handicap a coloro che si trovano in una situazione di fragilità e per fare una rapidissima panoramica, per sommi capi, di quanto esiste e, talvolta, non è troppo conosciuto.
L'evento, organizzato da Piemonte Digitale, fa parte del programma di DIGITALmeet (il più grande festival italiano 
su alfabetizzazione digitale per cittadini e imprese).
Relatori: arch. Martina Gerosa (urbanista, esperta di comunicazione, disability manager) e Prof. Fulvio Corno (Politecnico di Torino).

Nei giorni 6 e 7 ottobre, presso il Complesso monumentale di Santa Croce di Bosco Marengo (AL) si terrà la seconda edizione, ampliata e potenziata dell'evento "Abilitando" - "Dove la tecnologia incontra la disabilità".

Al fitto programma delle due giornate, che comprendono convegni, aree espositive ed eventi esperienziali, parteciperà anche Fulvio Corno, con un intervento su tecnologie e disabilità durante il convegno di apertura.

On September 28, 2017, Juan Pablo Sáenz presented the paper On the Design of an Energy and User Aware Study Room at the audience of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, held in Torino, Italy.

A portion of the first page of the paper

The Semantic Web journal recently accepted for publication the paper entitled "DogOnt as a viable seed for semantic modeling of AEC/FM". The paper has been written by Dario Bonino (a former e-Lite group member) and Luigi De Russis.

The manuscript presents the latest version of the DogOnt ontology and shows how the ontology can be used as a foundation towards a shared and unified model for the energy profile of a Smart City. To do so, the paper analyzes serveral ontologies at the state-of-the-art and demonstrates the integration of some of those ontologies within DogOnt. DogOnt was firstly developed in 2008 and withstands over 8 years of usage without major failures and shortcomings; its successful design choices and adaptations kept the model up-to-date and increasingly adopted in several domains, energy representation included.