
Wearable devices are tracking our steps, our locations, our calories, our sleep hours, and even our pets' ones. But for some categories of users, the availability of a device that monitors the location and the behavior becomes more than just a fitness or fashion issue: it may help their health and safety. In particular, with the ageing population, the incidence of Mild Cognitive Impairments (MCI) is significantly growing, and people need assistance in not getting lost (knowing their locations, being warned if they wander too far, being traceable by caregivers), in daily reminders (about medications, but also eating and drinking), in detection of health issues (fever, falls, hearth rate). All of this can be accomplished with Internet-connected wearable devices.

The thesis of Ian Martinez Garcia, a visiting student from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, explores this issue, and proposed a prototype able to embody many of the mentioned features. Ian Martinez developed his thesis in collaboration with Caretek, that already focuses on wearable solutions for e-health and is actively focusing on next-generation IoT-based devices and services.

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