
A user-centered design methodology has been followed, leading to the design and implemenation of an Android tablet-based application for allowing non-expert users to create new rules for automating the control of their environment.

Smart buildings should offer automation and intelligence capabilities to their users, and should be customized to the specific needs of the workers and inhabitants. This simple concept implies that the design of a smart building automation system should always start with the analysis of actual user needs, their main requirements, and the development of the system should primarily target those specific requirements. The flexibility of a smart building should be at the service of its users.

Design methodologies for helping system designers to capture user requirements include User Studies, that may be conducted in the form of Focus Groups, and that may lead to a set of design guidelines and recommendations.

The paper "Supporting Caregivers in Assisted Living Facilities for Persons with Disabilities: a User Study", recently published in the Universal Access in the Information Society journal (Springer), addresses these issues in the context of an "Assisted Living Facility", hosting persons with motor and cognitive disabilities, and identifies a set of needs and requirements that will help caregivers in their daily routines.

A new journal publication in the area of Ambient Intelligence was launched by Springer:

Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments (JoRIE)

The journal explores theoretical developments and lessons learned in the deployment of intelligent environments, and embraces all techniques which can increase reliability and confidence in intelligent environment systems.

Nell'ambito del corso di Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, si terrà un seminario tenuto dal personale del JOL MobiLAB di Telecom Italia, sul tema della progettazione della User Experience nei sistemi informativi.

Il seminario è aperto a tutti gli interessati (anche se non iscritti al corso), e si svolgerà giovedì 04/12/2014 dalle 14:30 alle 17:30 presso l'aula 16 del Politecnico di Torino.

The complete video-recorded lectures for the Ambient Intelligence course have heen published on YouTube in the Ambient Intelligence playlist.

Full information about the course, and all teaching material is available at the following sites:

Lunedì 17 novembre 2014 si concluderanno le attività del Corso di aggiornamento professionale in “E-learning per la pubblica amministrazione - Metodologie e strumenti per la formazione on line” con la cerimonia di chiusura, durante la quale saranno rilasciati gli attestati finali ai partecipanti che hanno completato il corso con profitto.

Alla cerimonia presenzieranno in qualità di oratori, oltre al corpo docente del corso, rappresentanti di INPS, Città di Torino e Provincia di Torino, rispettivamente ente finanziatore dell’iniziativa e amministrazioni pubbliche partner.