
Visual Rule CompositionAt the latest ISAmI 2011 Conference, in Salamanca (Spain), Luigi De Russis presented a talk on a visual interface for domotic rules definition designed for non-expert users. The paper was also awarded for its scientific quality. Read the paper or browse the presentation slides.



The e-lite research group is proud to announce the latest release of the Dog gateway, Dog 2.1.

Dog is a Domotic OSGi Gateway, i.e., a software-based gateway used for controlling domotic environments in a vendor-independent way, thanks to its high-level semantic device modeling strategy and its driver architecture that allows to support different domotic plant technologies.

The 2.x series of the Dog gateway is a substantial rewrite with respect to the previous version. From the latest 2.1 version, Dog has been endowed with experimental Z-Wave support and other improvements, expanding the range of interfaceable domotic system. Full release notes and software download are available on the website.

Tecnologie per la disabilità

Chi sono le persone con disabilità? In quali condizioni una qualsiasi persona può essere in condizioni di disabilità? Quali sono i problemi di comunicazione, mobilità, socializzazione, lavoro che si incontrano in tali condizioni? E, soprattutto, qual è il ruolo che le tecnologie possono avere come ausilio alle persone con disabilità?

Questi sono i temi trattati da un nuovo corso offerto a tutti gli studenti al primo anno di Ingegneria (di tutte le Facoltà). Il corso fa parte della rosa dei corsi a scelta (per la precisione degli Insegnamenti a scelta libera del 1° anno di Formazione tecnologica generale) accessibili agli studenti immatricolati al nuovo ordinamento (DM270) attivo dall'anno accademico 2010/2011.


MVSP WallpaperThe MVSP project developed a Virtual Simulated Patient, for the training of Medical Doctors and Nurses in their comminication skills with patients.

Politecnico di Torino is organizing an open presentation and hands-on trial of the Italian Virtual Simulated Patient on 15-Dec at 17:30.


Handimatica 2010 PresentationAt the latest Handimatica 2010 Conference, Fulvio corno presented a talk on the need of technical university to invest, in research and teaching, for addressing technical issues related to disability and aging. The presentation slides are available.

The Dog gateway starts speaking wireless! In addition to the classical KNX and OpenWebNet (bTicino) wired domotic protocols, a new Z-Wave driver has been developed and integrated in the new Dog2.0 architecture.

Z-Wave Demo BoxIntegrating a wireless protocol was more than 'just' adding a new way to handle and encapsulate messages, because in the wireless worlds devices may appear or disappear at any time, therefore the House Model of Dog has been enriched by new dynamic device creation capabilities. Furthermore, energy-saving battery-operated devices have only short time-windows in which they are awake, and Dog must concentrate all comunications in such intervals.

Z-Wave is a protocol developed by Sigma Designs, Inc. and supported by the Z-Wave Alliance, and supports hundreds of devices by different manufacturers. The e-lite group now has a new demo-box filled with Z-Wave wireless plugs, meters, sensors and buttons.

The Z-Wave Driver will be included in the next Dog public release, and it was presented by Simone Pecchenino as his Master Thesis, on November 9, 2010, with the supervision of Emiliano Castellina and Dario Bonino.