Past Courses

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Groups and Projects


The exam consists of a presentation of the team project, designed and developed during the course, and an oral discussion on the same topic.

Each group is required to:

  • put and mantain the source code related to its project in the assigned Git repository (;
  • create, and properly update, a GitHub Pages website associated to the project repository, by following the instructions available at (see the "Project site" section); the website must be easy to navigate and well structured.

The project website MUST contain:

  • the three required deliverables (see below), according to the following (strict!) deadlines;
  • a video of the project, realized following this guide; the video must be prepared for the exam (see the video in the examples section, below).

Important dates and deliverables:

  • 19/03 discussion on groups and project ideas;
  • 20/03 submit group composition (on the shared Google doc);
  • 28/03 creation of the project website (via GitHub Pages) and deadline for the first deliverable (i.e., vision and goal - see the set of slides "AmI Design Process"); the first deliverable must be clearly identified in the website according to this template [PDF] [DOCX];
  • 30/03 check of the first deliverable with the students (in LADISPE);
  • 13/04 deadline for the second deliverable (i.e., system requirements - see the set of slides "AmI Design Process") to be published on the project website; the second deliverable must be clearly identified in the website according to this template [PDF] [DOCX];
  • 27/04 check of the second deliverable with students (in LADISPE);
  • 07/05 deadline for the third deliverable (i.e., system architecture - see the set of slides "AmI Design Process") to be published on the project website; the third deliverable must be clearly identified in the website according to this template [PDF] [DOCX]; 
  • 11/05 check of the third deliverable with the students (in LADISPE);
  • 14/05 final check of the projects (each group is required to give a 5-minute presentation of their project, and the current status of development). The presentation should be prepared by following these guidelines [PDF].

Exam rules

(extracted from the set of slides "Introduction to the course")

The team project (repository and website) must be ready for evaluation three working days before the exam.

The exam will consist of three parts:

  • oral presentation (max 15 minutes, by using PowerPoint slides or similar)
  • demonstration or a video if the project cannot be demonstrated (5 minutes)
  • discussion (5 minutes)

Contributions by each person should emerge in the entire project presentation (e.g., by dividing the oral presentation in parts).

Next exams with deadlines:

  • 18/01/2016, h. 10:00LADISPE
    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 14/01/2016, on the Portale della Didattica;
    • project must be ready for evaluation on GitHub on 14/01/2016 by 14:00;
    • specify which materials you need to be available at the exam (if any), via mail at the teachers, by the 14/01/2016;
    • (optional) to avoid last minute problems, you may want to try the presentation and the demo on 31/08/2015 from 14:30 to 17:00, at the LADISPE.


  • Sample web site showing an effective video presentation and project summary, developed by two students of the Princeton University.
  • Smart Notification website, developed by three students enrolled in the 2014 edition of this course.
  • YouTube playlist containing all the videos produced by the students enrolled in the 2014 edition of the course.