
Innovative solutions in the automotive sector rely more and more on ICT-based solutions, enabled by the ubiquitous connectivity and IoT devices. More and more, the digital backbone of modern cars (that relies on CAN-based protocols) is integrated with Internet-enabled devices to provide new services to the drivers and to the vehicle owners.

In the context of Car Sharing, several functions are delivered through an App-based approach, where the user's smarphone on one hand interacts with cloud-bases services, and on the other hand links to a car-based control unit.

In the M.S. thesis of Antonio Risoli, developed in Concept Reply and discussed on October 2017, we present an architecture suitable for a car sharing provider, and some solutions for exploiting this new hybrid architecture to increase the level of security (by exploiting biometric cryptography) and user comfort (by remembering user preferences and applying them across the whole fleet). The architecture has been demonstrated thanks to a mix of real and simulate ECUs, and will be further developed by the automotive sector in Concept Reply.

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