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At the latest EICS 2017 Conference, taken in Lisbon (Portugal), Teodoro Montanaro presented a late-breaking result entitled XDN: Cross-Device Framework for Custom Notifications Management.

As notifications become part of people’s lives, their importance often depends on various factors that can influence the reaction and the disruption of recipients. The generation and the distribution of notifications should be carefully designed every time a new application or smart device is devised.

The paper presents XDN (Cross Device Notification), a framework to assist developers in creating cross-device notifications by scripting. XDN provides a set of high-level APIs, based on JavaScript, for designing personalized notifications to be distributed among ad-hoc sets of end-user devices. Developers are also supported in implementing and testing notification strategies thanks to an integrated environment. A use case to demonstrate the functionality and the applicability of the framework is also presented.

For more information look at paper details on ResearchGate or browse the presentation slides available here: