
Summer school participants

From the 12th to the 17th of June 2017, Alberto Monge Roffarello participated to the 3rd ACM SIGCHI Summer School on Computational Interaction, taken in Vitznau, Switzerland, and organized by ETH Zurich.

The goal of the summer school was to teach PhD students and researchers the foundations of computational tools in the context of user interface design and their application in interactive systems. In particular, each day was organized around a common theme, ranging from the combinatorial optimization of user interfaces, to the application of the control theory to the Human Computer Interaction. The focus was on modeling the user behavior, e.g., through heuristics or machine learning approaches, to design user interfaces that satisfy the user needs.

The summer school ended with a full-day hackaton, where different groups had the opportunity to implement the concepts learned during the week. The topic of the Alberto's group was optimizing the layout of the smartphone's home screen by using combinatorial optimization methods.