
On May 31, 2017, Mohsen Amiribesheli discussed his Ph.D. thesis in a Viva voce session at Bournemouth University (UK). The thesis title is "A Tailored Smart Home for Dementia Care" and has been supervised by prof. Hamid Bouchachia. The thesis reports an original research work about the design of a smart home specifically tailored for the needs of persons with dementia.

The work presents a novel methodology for requirements elicitation, that is shown to identify a comprehensive set of validated requirements, with a method that considers the impossibility of directly interviewing or involving the end user in the design steps. The initial design requirements are then refined into a system architecture and a set of functional and non-functional requirements, leading to the development and evaluation of a prototype. Finally, the author shows how to extend the behaviour of the prototype by a set of behaviour rules tailored to each patient.

The evaluation was conducted by prof. Keith Phalp (Internal External) and prof. Fulvio Corno (External Examiner).

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