Past Courses

Article Index


Log of the lectures (2012)

Date Time Type Topics Teacher
17/05/2012 10:00-13:00 L Course introduction. Introduction to the semantic web. Data and metadata. Metadata formalisms and standards. Knowledge representation techniques. Ontologies. Laura Farinetti
23/05/2012 10:00-13:00 L RDF (Resource Description Framework) as an information modeling approach. RDFS (RDF Vocabulary). RDF serializations in XML and N3/Turtle. Fulvio Corno
28/05/2012 14:00-17:00 L   Laura Farinetti
01/06/2012 14:00-17:00 L   Fulvio Corno
05/06/2012 14:00-17:00 L   Laura Farinetti
07/06/2012 10:00-13:00 L   Fulvio Corno
11/06/2012 14:00-16:00 L   Fulvio Corno


Log of the lectures (2011)

Date Time Type Topics Teacher
2011-05-09 14:00-17:00 L Course introduction. Introduction to the semantic web. Data and metadata. Metadata formalisms and standards. Knowledge representation techniques. Ontologies. Laura Farinetti
2011-05-11 10:00-13:00 L RDF (Resource Description Framework). RDFS (RDF Vocabulary). Fulvio Corno
2011-05-23 14:00-17:00 L SPARQL. The Open Linked Data project. Laura Farinetti
2011-05-25 10:00-13:00 L Reasoning in the Semantic Web: RDF(S) Entailment. SKOS. Fulvio Corno
2011-06-01 14:00-17:00 L SPARQL. OWL. Ontology editing with Protégé. Laura Farinetti
2011-06-06 14:00-17:00 L Reasoning in the Semantic Web: OWL semantics. Reasoning with Pellet. SWRL. Fulvio Corno
2011-06-09 11:00-13:00 L

Intelligent Domotic Environments and DogOnt.

Fulvio Corno