Past Courses

Article Index


This section will host the log of all the lectures, with the topics described in each of them. Please consider that the following information is a tentatitive preview of the course organization, is provided only for helping students organization and planning, and is subject to change without notice.

Type legend: L = Lecture, EA = Exercises in classroom, EL = Exercises in laboratory (LADISPE)

All lectures will be video-recorded and will be available on the Portale della Didattica. Lectures will be also available in a dedicated YouTube playlist.

29/02/2016 16:00-17:30 L Course Introduction. Lab organization and final projects. Overview 2014 & 2015 projects. Fulvio Corno
29/02/2016 17:30-19:00 L Definition and characteristics of Ambient Intelligence. Definition of the "theme of the year" (with examples). Fulvio Corno
03/03/2016 16:00-17:30 L Python basics (part I). Luigi De Russis
07/03/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Intro to labs, organization and materials. Getting started with Python (in lab). Luigi De Russis
07/03/2016 17:30-19:00 L AmI Design Process (part I). Fulvio Corno
10/03/2016 16:00-17:30 L AmI Design Process (part II). Fulvio Corno
10/03/2016 17:30-19:00 L Python basics (part II). Luigi De Russis
14/03/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Python basics: exercises. Teodoro Montanaro
14/03/2016 17:30-19:00 L Introduction to Git (and GitHub Pages). Luigi De Russis
17/03/2016 16:00-17:30 EA Group definition. Project ideas check, discussion and suggestions. all
17/03/2016 17:30-19:00 L AmI Design Process (part III). Description of Deliverable D1 template. Fulvio Corno
21/03/2016 16:00-17:30 EA Interfacing Python. Fulvio Corno
21/03/2016 17:30-19:00 EL Interfacing Python: exercises. Teodoro Montanaro
      (Easter vacation)  
31/03/2016 16:00-17:30 L Python Database. Fulvio Corno
31/03/2016 17:30-19:00 L Web architectures and HTML. Fulvio Corno
04/04/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Proposals evaluation (group-by-group feedback on proposed projects and D1). Python database: exercises. all
04/04/2016 17:30-19:00 EL Proposals evaluation (group-by-group feedback on proposed projects and D1). Python database: exercises. all
07/04/2016 16:00-17:30 L Web in Python with Flask Fulvio Corno
07/04/2016 17:30-19:00 EA Web in Python with Flask Fulvio Corno
11/04/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Web in Python: exercises. Teodoro Montanaro
11/04/2016 17:30-19:00 L Web sessions. CSS. Bootstrap. Flask-Bootstrap. Fulvio Corno
14/04/2016 16:00-17:30 L HTTP, REST Architecture, JSON. Fulvio Corno
14/04/2016 17:30-19:00 EA Python REST: a case study. Luigi De Russis
18/04/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Python REST: exercise. Teodoro Montanaro
18/04/2016 17:30-19:00 L Description of Deliverable D2 template and examples Fulvio Corno
21/04/2016 16:00-17:30 L Javascript and jQuery. Fulvio Corno
21/04/2016 17:30-19:00 EA Interacting with smart devices: the Philips Hue case. Luigi De Russis
25/04/2016     Holiday  
28/04/2016 16:00-17:30 L jQuery and Ajax. Fulvio Corno
28/04/2016 17:30-19:00 EA Full example: jQuery, Ajax, REST and Flask. Fulvio Corno
02/05/2015 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised work group and feedback about deliverable 2 (requirements). all
02/05/2015 17:30-19:00 EL Supervised work group and feedback about deliverable 2 (requirements). all
05/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EA Hands-on session. Teodoro Montanaro
09/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised work group. Teodoro Montanaro
12/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EA Hands-on session. Teodoro Montanaro
16/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised work group and feedback about deliverable 3 (architecture). all
16/05/2016 17:30-19:00 EL Supervised work group and feedback about deliverable 3 (architecture). all
19/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EA Final project review (5 min. pitch). all
19/05/2016 17:30-19:00 EA Hands-on session. Fulvio Corno
23/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised work group. Luigi De Russis
30/05/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised work group. Luigi De Russis
30/05/2016 17:30-19:00 EL Supervised work group. Luigi De Russis
06/06/2016 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised work group. Luigi De Russis