Past Courses

Article Index


This section will host the log of all the lectures, with the topics described in each of them. Please consider that the following information is a tentatitive preview of the course organization, is provided only for helping students organization and planning, and is subject to change without notice.

Type legend: L = Lecture, EA = Exercises in classroom, EL = Exercises in laboratory (LADISPE)

All lectures will be video-recorded (screencasting) and will be published immediately after the class. Lectures are also available on this YouTube playlist.

Date Time Type Topic Video Teacher
03/03/2014 16:00-17:30 L Course introduction. Main definitions (AmI, SmE). Application areas YouTube video Fulvio Corno
06/03/2014 16:00-17:30 L Definition and characteristics of Intelligent Ambient:  features, architectures. YouTube video Fulvio Corno
06/03/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Rapid prototyping. The Python language and development environment. YouTube video Dario Bonino
10/03/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Visit to LADISPE laboratory. Forming work groups. Homework assignment.   Dario Bonino, Luigi De Russis
10/03/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Hardware Fundamentals (recap) YouTube video Dario Bonino
13/03/2014 16:00-17:30 L Design methodology for intelligent ambients (part 1). YouTube video Fulvio Corno
13/03/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Rapid prototyping. Python. YouTube video Luigi De Russis
17/03/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Lab: Python   Luigi De Russis
17/03/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Version Control with Git YouTube video Luigi De Russis
20/03/2014 16:00-17:30 L Design methodology for intelligent ambients (part 2) YouTube video Fulvio Corno
20/03/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Rapid prototyping: interfacing Python. YouTube video Dario Bonino
24/03/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Lab: Python and hardware   Dario Bonino
27/03/2014 16:00-17:30 L Web technologies and architectures, http, REST YouTube video Fulvio Corno
27/03/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Work groups: identification of AmI features and assignment to groups   Dario Bonino, Luigi De Russis
31/03/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Luigi De Russis
03/04/2014 16:00-17:30 L The Dog 3.x gateway and the Dog REST API YouTube video Fulvio Corno
03/04/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Python programming: web server YouTube video Dario Bonino
07/04/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Dario Bonino
10/04/2014 16:00-17:30 EA Interaction with smart home devices: the Hue case YouTube video Dario Bonino
10/04/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Interaction with smart home devices: the Z-Wave case YouTube video Dario Bonino
14/04/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Luigi De Russis
17/04/2014 16:00-17:30 EA Interaction with smart home devices through the Dog gateway YouTube video Dario Bonino
17/04/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Interacting with the Pebble YouTube video Luigi De Russis
      (Easter vacations)    
28/04/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Lab: Python + hardware   Dario Bonino
05/05/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Luigi De Russis
08/05/2014 16:00-17:30 L Ambient Intelligence systems: a taxonomy (part 1)   Fulvio Corno
08/05/2014 17:30-19:00 L Ambient Intelligence systems: a taxonomy (part 2)   Fulvio Corno
12/05/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Dario Bonino
15/05/2014 16:00-17:30 EA Project review   Luigi De Russis
15/05/2014 17:30-19:00 EA Project review   Luigi De Russis
19/05/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Luigi De Russis
22/05/2014 16:00-17:30 L Seminar by BTicino   Fulvio Corno
22/05/2014 17:30-19:00 L Ambient Intelligence systems: a taxonomy (part 3)   Fulvio Corno
26/05/2014     (Suspension of academic activities)    
26/05/2014 14:30-16:00 EL Supervised group work   Dario Bonino
29/05/2014 16:00-17:30 L Home and Building Automation systems (part 1)   Fulvio Corno
29/05/2014 17:30-19:00 L Home and Building Automation systems (part 2)   Fulvio Corno
05/06/2014 16:00-17:30 L Seminar by Energy@Home (Telecom Italia)   Fulvio Corno
09/06/2014 16:00-17:30 EL Supervised group work   Luigi De Russis, Dario Bonino
12/06/2014 16:00-17:30 L Examples of application domains   Fulvio Corno