
Fabio Ballati in the lab

The e-Lite research group welcomes Fabio Ballati, who started his Ph.D. in Computer and Control Engineering in the XXXIII cycle, on November 2017. Fabio joined the e-Lite Research Group, and will work on topics lying in the intersection of Ambient Intelligence, Internet of Things, Human Computer Interaction, and Accessibility.

Fabio Ballati graduated in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, with a thesis on "Automatic Abstraction of End-User Programming Rules in the IoT". He was one of the winners of a Ph.D. position in the summer session of the XXXIII cycle's call. Fabio's current activities aim at investigating new methods for allowing people with speech impairments to better use conversational assistants like Siri and Google Assistant, and will explore the field of intelligent user interface for accessibile computing.