
The e-Lite group is partecipating to the IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), that is taking place in Milan, Italy, from today, 14th of December, to the 16th of December. WF-IoT is a forum for industry leaders, academics and decision making government officials, which aims at examining key critical innovations across IoT technologies which will alter the research and application space of the future.

Teodoro Montanaro will present, on Wednesday 16 (14:30-16:30, session S19), a paper entitled A Context and User Aware Smart Notification System.
Nowadays, an increasing number of notifications demands our attention through our smartphone and tablet screens. If we consider an an IoT-powered environment, each connected device and service would like to communicate something to the people that lives in that environment, thus sending us more and more notifications.

Building upon this consideration, the paper analyzes a machine learning approach to better manage the delivery of such notifications, and present a system architecture able to filter incoming notifications depending on notification type, sender and receiver, environmental status, user activities and habits.

smart notification architecture

The ambitious final goal of the system, in fact, will be to provide the right notification, to the most appropriate person and device, in the most adequate place, moment, and modality.