
The Dog Domotic OSGi Gateway is a long-lived project: the first publications date back to 2008, and in the same year the sourceforge project was created to distribute the source code.

All important projects, especially when they aim at delivering industrial-grade reliability, need constant care and controlled evolution: every couple of years a code review has been conducted, followed by deep refactoring and reengineering of the gateway code.

Recently, the architecture of Dog 2.3 has been analyzed in the context of the M.S. thesis of Luca Semprini, by comparing the core bundles to OSGi specifications and to design best practices. The result of the thesis is a comprehensive blueprint that will steer the transition from Dog 2.3 (the current version) to the new Dog 3.0 (expected in Spring 2013).


For more information about how Dog 3.0 will look like, please see Luca Semprini's Master Thesis materials: