Research Topics

Active: 2008-2010

In the e-Lite research group we are developing new aids that triy to combine the head and the eye tracking characteristic in a unique system. In this way it is possible follow the disabled user for all the course of the illness with a versatile and easy aid.

The opportunity to change the tracking mode lets the applications to modify their accuracy and their layout to give at the user, on all occasions, the best assistance .

The aim of our research work is to develop a versatile system that made up in the same aid both head and eye tracking. With the use of low cost cameras as the web-cam. In the case that the user could move the head in a consistent way, the system will use this characteristic to get an information about the gaze area. Whereas if the sole movement of the user is the eye one the system will give most importance at the eye tracker. Of course this reflect itself over the accuracy that the system can offer. More are the movements that the user can do, more is the accuracy of the system. The information get by the head tracker is certainly simpler to process and let a more accurate prevision where the user has turned his or her face. The information that result from the eye tracker is, as a rule, less definite and extremely more difficult to process, so the system gives an indication less accurate.

This means that the applications developed for this kind of system must be able to change its accuracy and its layout in accordance with the precision that the system can tender. If the system with the head tracker, is able to offer a good information the application can show many selection boxes at the user.