GNomon is a framework that enables the creation of accessible and dynamic one-switch video games. It is based on the NOMON interaction modality, which allows to select one of many elements from the screen without extra special hardware (e.g., eye trackers) and without requiring them to be arranged in any particular configuration or to be stationary.

In particular, GNomon provides functionalities for creating sets of selectable game objects with associated NOMON clocks for enabling dynamic point-and-click game mechanics using a single switch. These sets can be resized at any time by adding or removing elements, which is necessary for supporting common game mechanics (e.g. the creation of new items or the destruction of characters), using a single switch.

During the Ph.D. of Sebastián Aced Lopez and the M.S. thesis of Nicolò Mandrile various games with different degrees of difficulty, reported below, have been designed and implemented to be played by children with severe motor disabilities. The first four mini games have been already evaluated through a two-session test with a group of 8 children with severe motor impairments (in close collaboration with a team of speech therapists, physiotherapists and psychologists from one of the Local Health Agencies in Turin, Italy) and the results were published in a ACM TACCESS paper!

We invite you to download, try, and share these GNomon-based mini games:

One Switch Demo

A very simple action/ reaction video game that allows children to make a red ladybug jump when they select the clock associated to it. Click here or onto the image to download (Windows-only).

gnomon demo

One Switch Ladybugs

The "expansion" of the previous game in which you have to choose between four colored ladybugs, the one to jump! Click here or onto the image to download (Windows-only).

gnomon ladybugs

One Switch Invaders

A dynamic game in which the player has to score points by eliminating the aliens falling down before three of them touch the ground. Click here or onto the image to download (Windows-only). 

gnomon invaders

A "bullet version" of the same game is available as well: the player has to score points by eliminating the aliens falling down before three of them touch the ground, but with a maximum number of bullets to shoot! Click here to download (Windows-only). 

Monster Maze (in Italian)

A two-players collaborative games. A player uses the GNomon interaction mode, while the other plays with the keyboard. Click here or onto the image to download (Windows-only).

monster maze


Educational Activities (in Italian)

A series of activities for children. Each activity allow the child to train their skills on numbers, colors, letters, dimensions, and sequences of objects by using GNomon. Click here or onto the image to download the game (Windows-only).

Educational game