
From 13 to 16 May 2019, Juan Pablo Sáenz participated in the 3rd International Genoa Software Engineering Ph.D. School, held in Genoa, Italy, and hosted by the University of Genova.

The topic of the summer school concerned Automated Functional and Security Testing, and its scope was to provide an overview of the most advanced techniques for automated testing of Web and Mobile apps. The lessons presented cutting-edge techniques regarding testing automation at the unit, integration and system level; usage of automated testing tools (e.g., DOM-based and Visual tools); design patterns specific for Web and Mobile apps (e.g., the page object pattern); and automatic test case generation (based on search-based algorithms and dynamic symbolic execution).

The course included theory lectures in the morning and hands-on, project-oriented labs in the afternoon.The laboratory sessions scheduled for the afternoon are dedicated to practical tasks.