
The students of the Ambient Intelligence course, edition 2016, are approaching the turning point: 18 projects are completing their design phase, and will soon start the implementation of the project demonstrators. Projects are exploring various areas of ambient intelligence systems, applied to the domain of Health and Well-Being.

On May 19, 2016, the 18 student groups of the Ambient Intelligence course will present a "pitch" about their proposed project and will unveil to the public the project contents. As a spoiler, the project names are: Angee, BreatheYourTroublesAway, DigiGarden, EmergencyQuest, EyesBlinker, FreeToBreathe, Gymmy, iStop, Nightwatch, PetsCare, ROOMpathY, SafetyMama, SleepMO, SleepTight, SmartPortableChair, StudyStation, WindShield, YourSafeSun.

The presentation is public, open to all interested students, and to interested enterprises and professionals. The attending industrial stakeholders and sponsors will provide a feedback about the presented projects.

More information:

  • When: May 19, 2016, from 16:00 to 18:00
  • Where: Room 3I (that's "three India" - or "tre Imola" in Italian, the classroom is located between the ISMB building and the I3P one, see map)
  • Join us on the Facebook event