
On last Thursday, 14 May 2015, the students of the Ambient Intelligence course reached the tipping point for their project: two important events were packed in the same afternoon.

First, all 15 groups gave a short "pitch" presentation about the design of their project. All presentations were successful, engaging and interesting. This event marks the end of the design and conception phase, and the start of the realizazion, implementation and testing activities. As special guests for the student pitches, the tutors from the I3P Incubator (Incubatore delle Imprese Innovative del Politecnico di Torino) and from Treatabit followed the presentations, and their appreciated many of the project ideas.

In the second hour, Massimiliano Ceaglio and Agnese Vellar, from the I3P, gave a seminar to describe to students the necessary steps to turn their (academic) projects into (hopefully) successful products. Ceaglio also invited the students to submit their ideas to the Start Cup competition, whose deadline is upcoming on May 29.