
The Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments (JoRIE) is a new publication by Springer, that focuses on on theoretical developments and lessons learned in the deployment of Intelligent Environments, especially concerning the wide-spectrum of the issues related to system reliablity. The inaugural issue of JoRIE, currently being finalized, will contain contributions from the Associate Editors, that aim at setting a research agenda in some of the facets of Reliable Intelligent Environments.

One important aspect related to system reliability is User Confidence, defined as the property of a system to offer user-system interactions that create the perception of a reliable and understandable intelligent system, whose behavior is transparent and on whose actions users can build trust. This concept is explored in the paper "Designing for User Confidence in Intelligent Environments", developed jointly by the e-Lite research group (F. Corno and L. De Russis) and Telecom Italia (E. Guercio and E. Gargiulo). The paper analyzes the state of the art of design methodologies incorporating user-driven aspects in the conception and development of intelligent environments, and presents a set of guidelines for designers who want to ensure user confidence in their systems.

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