
home-technologies-overview-first-page.pngOn Friday June, 1st. 2012 we held a small seminar on Home and Building Automation Technologies, with a particular focus on peculiarities, issues and idiosyncrasies to account when starting to integrate a new technology in Dog.

After a first introduction on the general concepts of Home and Building Automation, the seminar focuses on 3 main technologies: MyOpen, KNX and Modbus and for each of them provides a short introduction highlighting the relevant features to account when integrating such technologies in Dog. The last part of the seminar analyzes the design and implementation choices driving the integration of such technologies in Dog, with a particular focus on the abstraction process.

The seminar is the first of 2 presentations on the Home and Building Automation topic. The next seminar will be held on Wednesday June 6th, 2012, and will focus on the Dog gateway, by providing a deep architecture analysis and by proposing several development guidelines.




