# Milestone 3: Wireframe and Heuristic Evaluation - [Insert Project Name] _ISTRUCTIONS_: Fill this template by writing under each title, according to the instructions reported in `[]`. When you have done, remove this line, and put the file in your private group repository on GitHub, under a `M3` folder. ## Wireframe [Add here the link to the PDF documents, or embed the images, that represent your wireframe. Briefly explain which tool you used to create the wireframe, any relevant decision you took starting from the outcome of M2, and describe in short the navigation among pages (with a picture or in text).] ## Heuristic Evaluation [Describe here the heuristic evaluation you received. In particular, report your preparation of the heuristic evaluation: which material you used (with links and/or pictures). Then, briefly summarize how the heuristic evaluation was conducted by the facilitator, by including 1-2 photos/screenshots from those taken by the facilitator for each evaluation. Include the evaluation result from the evaluators (please mention which group helped you), for example as a link to the on-line spreadsheet. Finally, write a non-trivial list of potential changes that your team plans to implement and justify each change by explaining which piece of feedback generates it.]