# Milestone 1: Project description and Needfinding: [Insert Project Name] _ISTRUCTIONS_: Fill this template by writing under each title, according to the instructions reported in `[]`. When you have done, remove this line and the istructions in `[]`, and put the file in your private group repository on GitHub, under a `M1` folder. ## Overview and planning [Describe here your the main activity and types of people you chose to observe, and explicitly explain how the activity and people relates to the original project idea.] ## Observation [Thorough descriptions of your observations for each of the 3-4 people observed. You must include at least *three* photos (or sketches) of a issue or opportunity that stemmed from your observations: ideally, one photo/sketch for each person you observed. Each photo/sketch *must* have a caption that highlights the issue or opportunity observed. Put the photos/sketches in the same `M1` folder of your group repository.] ### Interviews [Report here the list of questions you prepared and, eventually, made to each person you interviewed. Then, summarize their answers.] ## User Needs [Write down the results: list here the 5-6 user needs you identified.] ## Project Description [A short paragraph (2-4 sentences) that describes how your project would address one (or two) deep user needs, by including your personal take on suitable strategies to adopt. Mention here the target device(s) (e.g., smartphone, tablet, smart watch, etc.).]