
Call for Papers: Special Session on Cybersecurity and IoT @ SpliTech 2023

Poster of the call for papers

The e-Lite research group is organizing a special session focused on Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT).The poster of the special session, with all the relevant information, is available...


Participation at SpliTech 2022

SpliTech 2022 Banner

Last week, from the 5th to the 8th of July, the e-Lite research group participated in the 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech 2022). The conference was held...


Special Issue: Understanding Digital Wellbeing within Complex Technological Contexts

IJHCS front cover

The International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS) issued a special issue on the topic "Understanding Digital Wellbeing within Complex Technological Contexts". Nowadays, there is a growing — yet debated — discussion...


Convegno "Cittadini nel paese delle meraviglie"

La relazione tra pubblica amministrazione, fornitori di servizi, ed utilizzatori finali (cittadini ed operatori delle amministrazioni) è in profonda evoluzione, con una nuova attenzione rispetto alle esigenze dell'utente, anche attraverso...


De Russis newly appointed SIGCHI Adjunct Chair


Congratulations to Luigi De Russis, who has been appointed as an Adjunct Chair (AC) in the ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee. He has been selected after an open call and will serve...


Publication: Designing technology that promotes users' digital wellbeing

Front-page of the article

The Fall 2021 issue of the ACM XRDS magazine is dedicated to the topic "Is Computing Toxic?". For that issue, Alberto and Luigi were entitled "Designing technology that promotes users...


Participation at VL/HCC 2021

The e-Lite group will participate at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) with a short research paper entitled "TextCode: A Tool to Support Problem Solving Among...


Participation at INTERACT 2021

INTERACT 2021 logo

The e-Lite group will participate at the 18th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2021). The conference will be held in Bari, Italy, in an hybrid format from August 30 to...


Formazione su Usabilità delle Interfacce Web

L'Area Information Technology del Politecnico di Torino gestisce centinaia di procedure applicative web-based, realizzate nel corso dei decenni, ed aventi diversi livelli di usabilità. Nel periodo giugno-luglio 2021, è stato...


International Associations


The COGAIN Association

KNX_scientific.gif KNX Scientific Partnership



European projects


The SIFIS-Home project (Secure Interoperable Full-stack Internet of things for smart Home) aims at providing a secure-by-design and consistent software framework for improving resilience of Interconnected Smart Home Systems at all stack levels.

The project is coordinated by CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) and the e-Lite group is participating as part of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering.

Optimus project logo

The Optimus project (OPTIMising the energy USe in cities with smart decision support systems) aims at developing methodologies and technologies for helping cities to make smart energy decisions. The role of the e-Lite group is to define the main IT Architecture of the data collection and processing infrastructure.

The project is coordinated by NTUA (Greece) and is developed in collaboration with the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Torino.

CROSS project

CROSS (Citizen Reinforcing Open Smart Synergies) is a project co-financed by the European Union within the framework of European Programme (CIP Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation), born with the aim and the ambition to create an innovative ecosystem and a new mentality to deal with the challenges and difficulties arising from the economic crisis.

The project is coordinated by Poste Italiane (Italy), and the role of the e-Lite group is to assist Città di Torino in the public outreach and procurement related to the Call for Apps.


Virtual Campus Hub

The "Virtual Campus Hub" project (call FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-2, project n. 283746) aims at exploring e-learning methodologies for the context of Energy Managers and innovators in the Energy sector.

The project is coordinated by DTU (Denmark) and is developed in collaboration with the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Torino.

 MVSP Logo

MVSP: Multilingual Virtual Simulated Patient.

The project aims to develop a "simulated patient" software which acts and responds as a real patient would during a clinical interview. This tool allows to provide simulated patient training via elearning, as well as a less expensive training of health professionals in clinical interview.


COGAIN: Communication by Gaze Interaction. A Network of Excellence under the EU IST 6th Framework Program. Coordinated by the University of Tampere.


eSWES: eLearning System for Water and Environmental Studies. EU Project under the TEMPUS-Program. Three universities are participated in the project (RWTH Aachen University/German, Zagazig University/ Egypt and Politecnico di Torino/Italy).


PRAISE: Peer Review Network Applying Intelligence to Social Work Education (e-Learning programme)


CABLE: Case-based e-learning for educators. (Socrates "MINERVA" project - 109883-CP-1-2003-1-IT-MINERVA-M)


MOISE: International Organization Model for People with Special Educational Needs


National or Regional projects

Logo progetti "Batti il 5"

The project "Batti il cinque" (gimme a high-five) is a national initiative, funded by the Foundation Con i Bambini and involving 47 partners around Italy, clustered in five different regions of activity.

In the region of Torino, the activities are coordinated by Fondazione della Comunità di Mirafiori ONLUS and focus on innovative training for children of primary and middle schools. The role of the e-Lite group is to organize innovative teaching events (for teachers and for children) on the topics of Introduction to coding, Robotics, and Advanced coding.


The project AstiMusei aims at building a modern infrastructure for networking the museums and artistic sites of a local territory. It has been implemented as a pilot project in the city of Asti by Fondazione Palazzo Mazzetti, with a co-funding of Regione Piemonte.

In collaboration with Tonic Minds, Gaidano&Matta, nfctech.eu, ni.co.srl, elex, with the scientific coordination of Politecnico di Torino.


The Applus.énergie project aims at defining an energy monitoring architecture suitable for public buildings (schools, offices, etc), based on open source solutions and off the shelf components. The methodology is based on a living labs approach, where users of the buildings are involved in the energy monitoring data and their behavior is influenced by energy feedback.

The project is funded by Regione Valle d'Aosta under the Alcotra programme, and will be applied to a building by Politecnico di Torino (Sede "Mirafiori") and one building in Verrès (AO), hosting Politecnico di Torino and ISITP school. Project coordinated by Proxima Centauri.


The project aims at developing a speech-driven interface for a smart home, for the benefit of mobility impaired users.

In collaboration with Università di Torino (Interaction Models Group), Parsit, Cooperativa C'era l'Acca. Supported by Fondazione CRT under a VivoMeglio grant.


Feasibility study funded through Polo Innovazione ICT on the adoption of Semantic technologies and innovative approaches in a Content Management System for the Tourism sector.

The coordinator of the project is Trim srl as part of the ITCluster consortium.


Feasibility study funded through Polo Innovazione ICT on advanced user interfaces and user interaction methodologies for improving user awareness about energy consumption and energy saving in residential homes.

The coordinator of the project is Experientia srl.


SMILE-O (Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization) is a research project funded through Polo Innovazione ICT on intelligent energy management in industrial co-generation settings. The role of the e-Lite research group is to propose and experiment data interoperability amongst publishers of production data and consumption data, using internet open standards (in particular RDF and Linked Open Data)

The coordinator of the project is Akhela spa.

FreeAble - Free Software for your abilities. Freeable will allow you to search, upload and comment information about free software for rehabilitation and education for special needs. In collaboration with Cooperativa Sociale Riabilità. Supported by Fondazione CRT under a VivoMeglio grant. 2008-2009

RepubLit. Training and technology trasfer for an academic spin-off under the FIxO program. Coordinator: Filippo Chiocchetti, Università del Piemonte Orientale. In collaboration with Intellisemantic and with Luca Rosati.


Industry Collaborations

Pro-Logic Informatica We collaborate with Pro-Logic in the "UX for connected tractors" project. The collaboration included training-on-the-job for human-computer interaction and user experience topics, and M.S. thesis supervision. 2021-2022
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles We collaborate with CRF (Centro Ricerche Fiat, part of FCA - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) on the user interfaces for advances and inteligent functionalities within the new generation of connected cars. In particular, we are studying a conversational approach (based on voice as well as visible and tangible interaction) for exchanging information related to the driving and to the car status between the driver and the in-vehichel intelligence. 2017-2019
alfa evolution logo AlfaEvolution, the technology branch of Unipol-SAI insurance company, is constantly researching and developing new technologies to support innovative insurance products. We collaborate with AlfaEvolution on a technology scouting project for identifying new and promising technologies in the areas of smart homes, interaction methods, and wearable systems. 2017-2018
200px TIM logo 2016 We collaborate with the TIM Research Lab in Torino on the topic of future services for 5G networks, in particular services that may be offered by a network operator for enabling the development of IoT systems and applications. 2017-2018
TIM JOL SWARM On the topic of Internet of Things, we collaborated with the SWARM Joint Open Lab by TIM. The collaboration mainly consists in the research activity of joint Ph.D. students, on the applications of Internet of Things architectures and Machine Learning systems on Smart Homes and Smart Cities. 2015-2017
Telecom Italia Lab We collaborate with Telecom Italia Lab research center in Torino on the topic of Smart Homes, in particular interoperable home gateways, and their implications in the Energy@Home initiative and on the integration Jemma open source platform with the Dog Gateway project. 2012-2013
Proxima Centauri Logo

We collaborated with Proxima Centauri in the JEERP (The J-Energy Enterprise Resource Planning) project, and we provided the data (energy metering) collection layer and network indepentence functionalities, for both Residential and Industrial plants, based on the Dog architecture.

Eudata S.r.l. We collaborated with Eudata s.r.l. in the context of intelligent real-time energy-related information from different kinds of environmental sensors. 2011-2012
Intellisemantic Logo




Consultancy and advising in the development of the "ABC - Automatic Bibliography Compiler", in collaboration with InText. Coordinator: Filippo Chiocchetti.


Non-profit organizations

Cooperativa C'era L'accaMaisonEquipeeLogo.png

Cooperativa C'era l'Acca, facente parte del Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali Trait d'Union (Aosta).

La collaborazione prevedeva la partecipazione ad un gruppo di lavoro per la definizione delle attività di assistenza, formazione e ricerca nella casa domotizzata Maison Equipée di Saint Marcel (AO).


Public Bodies and Institutions

TreataBit is the digital branch of I3P (Incubatore Imprese Innovative del Politecnico di Torino) and hosts start-ups and projects related to the ICT sector and digital innovation.

The collaboration with I3P is related to the course of Ambient Intelligence, where TreataBit creates links with interested innovative companies, and hosts the annual Student Showcase event.

Città di Torino - Servizio Passepartout/Informa disAbile



Istituto Superiore Mario Boella



Our publications are available throught PORTO@Iris, the open repository of publications produced by the scientific community of Politecnico di Torino.


Projects and Collaborations

We actively collaborate with international associations, non-profit and public institutions, as well as industrial partners. Have a look at our current and past collaborations!


Tools and Downloads

We are committed with the Open Source community. Most of our software is freely available under Open Source licenses. Check out our downloads area!