
Call for Papers: Special Session on Cybersecurity and IoT @ SpliTech 2023

Poster of the call for papers

The e-Lite research group is organizing a special session focused on Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT).The poster of the special session, with all the relevant information, is available...


Participation at SpliTech 2022

SpliTech 2022 Banner

Last week, from the 5th to the 8th of July, the e-Lite research group participated in the 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech 2022). The conference was held...


Special Issue: Understanding Digital Wellbeing within Complex Technological Contexts

IJHCS front cover

The International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS) issued a special issue on the topic "Understanding Digital Wellbeing within Complex Technological Contexts". Nowadays, there is a growing — yet debated — discussion...


Convegno "Cittadini nel paese delle meraviglie"

La relazione tra pubblica amministrazione, fornitori di servizi, ed utilizzatori finali (cittadini ed operatori delle amministrazioni) è in profonda evoluzione, con una nuova attenzione rispetto alle esigenze dell'utente, anche attraverso...


De Russis newly appointed SIGCHI Adjunct Chair


Congratulations to Luigi De Russis, who has been appointed as an Adjunct Chair (AC) in the ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee. He has been selected after an open call and will serve...


Publication: Designing technology that promotes users' digital wellbeing

Front-page of the article

The Fall 2021 issue of the ACM XRDS magazine is dedicated to the topic "Is Computing Toxic?". For that issue, Alberto and Luigi were entitled "Designing technology that promotes users...


Participation at VL/HCC 2021

The e-Lite group will participate at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) with a short research paper entitled "TextCode: A Tool to Support Problem Solving Among...


Participation at INTERACT 2021

INTERACT 2021 logo

The e-Lite group will participate at the 18th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2021). The conference will be held in Bari, Italy, in an hybrid format from August 30 to...


Formazione su Usabilità delle Interfacce Web

L'Area Information Technology del Politecnico di Torino gestisce centinaia di procedure applicative web-based, realizzate nel corso dei decenni, ed aventi diversi livelli di usabilità. Nel periodo giugno-luglio 2021, è stato...


e-Lite: Intelligent and Interactive Systems

e-Lite QR code

The e-Lite research group develops and studies innovative technologies applied to interactive applications. The spirit of the research is the integration of complex systems, based on the interaction between humans and technology, in which the complexity gap is managed by intelligent software components.

The main research areas are on the crossing of Human-Computer InteractionUbiquitous Computing, and Artificial Intelligence.

Research activities of the e-Lite group focus on designing, building and evaluating interactive and intelligent systems, and testing them in realistic settings. Novel user interaction modalities, empowered by ubiquitous devices, enable the discovery of innovative methods to approach new and existing application domains. We adopt an end-to-end research approach, where we aim at exploring the whole spectrum, from devices to users, from intelligence to data representation, to develop a systemic approach.

Currently, the application area in which we are mostly active is Ambient Intelligence.

Ambient Intelligence (AmI) aims at building a digital environment where people are surrounded by intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in all kinds of objects. The ultimate goal of such an environment is to support people in their daily lives in a proactive, yet sensible and unobtrusive, way.
In this wide area, we mainly focus on innovative interaction modalities for people and on the intelligent aspects (e.g., Semantic Web) of the environment, typically exploiting off-the-shelf devices and systems from the Internet of Things and Smart Home domains. We are also interested in understanding how to effectively support developers to build such systems.

Moreover, we deserve particular attention to the Ambient Assisted Living field, in which Accessibility and Assistive Technologies meets AmI. In this domain, we experiment with novel interaction modalities and systems for people with disabilities.

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Our publications are available throught PORTO@Iris, the open repository of publications produced by the scientific community of Politecnico di Torino.


Projects and Collaborations

We actively collaborate with international associations, non-profit and public institutions, as well as industrial partners. Have a look at our current and past collaborations!


Tools and Downloads

We are committed with the Open Source community. Most of our software is freely available under Open Source licenses. Check out our downloads area!