
Call for Papers: Special Session on Cybersecurity and IoT @ SpliTech 2023

Poster of the call for papers

The e-Lite research group is organizing a special session focused on Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT).The poster of the special session, with all the relevant information, is available...


Participation at SpliTech 2022

SpliTech 2022 Banner

Last week, from the 5th to the 8th of July, the e-Lite research group participated in the 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech 2022). The conference was held...


Special Issue: Understanding Digital Wellbeing within Complex Technological Contexts

IJHCS front cover

The International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS) issued a special issue on the topic "Understanding Digital Wellbeing within Complex Technological Contexts". Nowadays, there is a growing — yet debated — discussion...


Convegno "Cittadini nel paese delle meraviglie"

La relazione tra pubblica amministrazione, fornitori di servizi, ed utilizzatori finali (cittadini ed operatori delle amministrazioni) è in profonda evoluzione, con una nuova attenzione rispetto alle esigenze dell'utente, anche attraverso...


De Russis newly appointed SIGCHI Adjunct Chair


Congratulations to Luigi De Russis, who has been appointed as an Adjunct Chair (AC) in the ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee. He has been selected after an open call and will serve...


Publication: Designing technology that promotes users' digital wellbeing

Front-page of the article

The Fall 2021 issue of the ACM XRDS magazine is dedicated to the topic "Is Computing Toxic?". For that issue, Alberto and Luigi were entitled "Designing technology that promotes users...


Participation at VL/HCC 2021

The e-Lite group will participate at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) with a short research paper entitled "TextCode: A Tool to Support Problem Solving Among...


Participation at INTERACT 2021

INTERACT 2021 logo

The e-Lite group will participate at the 18th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2021). The conference will be held in Bari, Italy, in an hybrid format from August 30 to...


Formazione su Usabilità delle Interfacce Web

L'Area Information Technology del Politecnico di Torino gestisce centinaia di procedure applicative web-based, realizzate nel corso dei decenni, ed aventi diversi livelli di usabilità. Nel periodo giugno-luglio 2021, è stato...


I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) at Politecnico di Torino, member of the e-Lite group.
My main research interest is in Human-Computer Interaction.

News and Updates

Jan 1, 2023 - Happy new year!
Nov 16, 2022 - Promoted to Associate Professor

Jan 19, 2022 - Asked to serve as a Subcommittee Chair for DIS 2022
Jan 15, 2022
- Just concluded the HCI course... and ready to start the Ph.D.-level course on Human-AI Interaction!
Jan 1, 2022
- Happy new year!
Oct 13, 2021
- Appointed as Adjuct Chair for Community Support in the ACM SIGCHI EC
Sept 21, 2021
- Preparing for a new semester, in person!
Aug 30-Sept 3, 2021
- Attending INTERACT 2021 in Bari.
Aug 2021
- Vacation?!
July 12, 2021
- Becoming a member of the extended board of SIGCHI Italy
July 10, 2021
- CHItaly 2021 starts in Bolzano!
May 10, 2021
- The week of CHI 2021: one paper, one LBW, one session to chair
Mar 1, 2021
- New semester, a new course
Jan 26, 2021
- The HCI4AI Ph.D. course started @ PoliMi
Jan 4, 2021
- Asked to be in the PC of IS-EUD 2021
Jan 1, 2021
- Happy new year!
Nov 23, 2020
 - I also got the habilitation for associate professorship in the 01/B1 area
Nov 13, 2020
- I got the habilitation for associate professorship (09/H1)!
- Shifting everything remotely, due to the pandemic
Feb 3, 2020
- I'll be part of the SIGCHI Global Development Fun(d) Committee
Jan 29, 2020
- Half-day workshop at AVI 2020 accepted! Topic: AI for social good 
Jan 24, 2020
- Asked to help in the organization of CHItaly 2021! More details soon!
Jan 16, 2020 
- The HCI course @PoliTo ends. The HAII course starts! 
Jan 1, 2020
- Happy 2020!
Dec 25, 2019
- Merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 2019 - The EUIoT workshop received too few submissions, and it will not be held at IUI 2020 :(
Dec 22, 2019
- Asked to serve in the scientific commitee of IEEE EDUCON 2020
Dec 16-17, 2019 - Third ACM FCA meeting: it's the "welcome" meeting for all new members!
Dec 13, 2019
- Off to NYC for the annual ACM FCA meeting
Dec 12, 2019
- The TAPrec paper was accepted to ACM IUI 2020
Nov 16, 2019
- Start serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE IoT journal
Nov 14, 2019
- Talk about digital wellbeing at the local edition of the World Usability Day
Nov 4, 2019
- I will start as an Assistant Professor (in tenure-track, RTDb) at Politecnico di Torino in a couple of weeks!
Nov 1, 2019 - Enrollment open for the Human-AI Interaction course (PhD level)
Nov 1, 2019 - CHI 2020 reviews: done!
Oct 25, 2019 - Another year, another DAUIN PhD Poster Day!
Oct 14, 2019
- A workshop about Intelligent User Interfaces for EUD in the IoT was accepted to IUI 2020
Oct 1, 2019
- First lecture of the new HCI course @ PoliTo
Sept 21, 2019
- A special issue proposal on "Internet of Food" (IEEE IoT journal) was accepted
Sept 20, 2019 - Another year, another CHI submission
Aug 21, 2019
- Happy to start as an Associate Editor for IEEE Access
July 30, 2019
- Received (in order!) a paper rejection, a revise-and-resubmit, and an acceptance (JSS)
July 16, 2019 - The second-ever ACM FCA recruitment cycle is open!
July 10-12, 2019
- At IS-EUD 2019, University of Hertfordshire (Hatfield, UK) 
July 5, 2019
- A paper about recommending IF-THEN rules to end users was accepted at ACM TIST
July 3, 2019 - Accepted Ubicomp 2019 poster: "Towards detecting and changing smartphone habits"
July 2, 2019 - A paper on dysarthric speech in smart environment was accepted in a special issue of JoRIE 
May 30, 2019
- Appointed Vice-Chair of ACM FCA for the next 2 years, starting July 1st
May 4-9, 2019 - Off to CHI 2019. 2 full papers and a LBW, this year.
Apr 19-23, 2019
- Easter vacation
Apr 19, 2019 - A paper about a jigsaw-based approach to end-user debugging was accepted at IS-EUD 2019 
Apr 5, 2019 - Invited as a member to the editorial board of IJHCS
Mar 13, 2019
- EUDoptimizer accepted for publication in IEEE Access (open access)
Mar 12, 2019
- First lecture of the year at UPO: last edition of the "Reti 2: practice" course
Mar 7, 2019
- Start of the semester, for me: first AmI lecture, last edition of the course
Mar 1, 2019
- A workshop about "care networks" was accepted at ECSCW 2019
Feb 8, 2019
- A LBW about IoT computational notebooks was accepted at CHI 2019
Jan 23, 2019 - First lecture (of mine) in the Semantic Web course
Jan 1, 2019
- Happy new year!
Dec 13, 2018
- A paper about EUPont was accepted for publication in IJHCS (journal)
Dec 10, 2018
- Two papers conditionally accepted at CHI 2019: EUDebug and Socialize!
Nov 10, 2018
- IUI 2019 papers: reviews done
Nov 1, 2018 - CHI 2019 paper reviews: completed!
Oct 31, 2018
 - I will serve as an Associate Chair (PC member) for Late-Breaking Works at CHI 2019
Oct 29, 2018 - Joined the SIGCHI conferences working group
Oct 22-24, 2018
- In Galway (Ireland), for presenting two papers at ACM ASSETS 2018
Oct 11, 2018 - Another year, another edition of the DAUIN PhD Poster Day!
Oct 3, 2018 - First Computer Vision lecture
Sept 25, 2018 - First time in the annual evaluation committee of PhD students
Aug 4-26, 2018 - Summer holiday
July 23, 2018 - "An Unsupervised and Non-Invasive Model for Predicting Network Resource Demands" accepted by the IEEE IoT Journal
June 7-8, 2018
- ACM FCA 2nd annual meeting @ PoliTo. First time in Europe, first time as a meeting chair
June 6, 2018 - Bushra Anjum (Amazon) is visiting. She holds a seminar on "women in STEM"
June 6, 2018 - A paper on vocal assistants and dysarthria was conditionally accepted at ACM ASSETS 2018
May 29-June 1, 2018
- Off to AVI 2018, also joining the "Future of Computing & Food" satellite event
May 12, 2018
- I will be one of the judges of the Italian Scratch Festival
May 08, 2018
- The paper "Collaborative Accessible Gameplay with One-Switch Interfaces" was accepted to IEEE GEM 2018
Apr 22-26, 2018 - Off to CHI 2018. Alberto presents a LBW on "A Debugging Approach for Trigger-Action Programming"
Apr 21, 2018 - A paper analyzing which IoT services can be moved into the 5G network was accepted to the IEEE 5G World Forum
Apr 20, 2018
- Traveling to Montréal (Canada) for CHI 2018
Apr 11, 2018 - A paper on Virtual Assistants and Dysarthria was accepted to WoRIE 2018
Apr 4, 2018 - The SQLassistant paper was accepted to IEEE COMPSAC 2018 (CELT)
Mar, 29 - April 3, 2018
- Easter vacation
Mar 30, 2018
- MobileHCI 2018 reviews: done!
Mar 7, 2018 - Temporary web chair for ACM-FCA... website migration and fixes!
Feb 16, 2018 - A LBW on end-user debug accepted to CHI 2018
Feb 16, 2018
- First day as an Assistant Professor (with time contract)
Feb 15, 2018 - First time at the IEEE Italy ExCo meeting, this time at Politecnico di Milano
Feb 4, 2018
- CHI LBW reviews: completed.
Jan 29, 2018
- I will start as an Assistant Professor (RTDa) at Politecnico di Torino in the coming month!
Jan 23, 2018
- The paper "Easing IoT Development for Novice Programmers Through Code Recipes" was accepted to ICSE SEET 2018
Jan 8, 2018 - Appointed as chair of the next ACM FCA annual meeting, together with Bushra Anjum.
Jan 1, 2018 - Happy new year!
Dec 8, 2017 - Invited as a member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE GEM 2018 conference
Nov 30, 2017
- AwareNotifications paper accepted by the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environment
Nov 7, 2017
- Invited as a member of the Technical Program Committee of the Intelligent Environments '18 conference
Oct 31, 2017 - CHI 2018 reviews: done!
Oct 19, 2017
- Co-organized the second edition of the DAUIN PhD Poster Day
Oct 5, 2017
- First Computer Vision lab (M.S. in Computer Engineering)
Sept 13, 2017
- Nominated as the Young Professionals representative for the IEEE Italy Section
Sept 8, 2017 - "A Semantic Web Approach to Simplifying Trigger-Action Programming in the IoT" will be published in IEEE Computer 
Sept 6, 2017 - A paper about the latest version of DogOnt was accepted by the Semantic Web Journal
July 12, 2017 - The IEEE IoT journal accepted a paper about a visual approach towards CEP for smart city officers
July 6, 2017 - Participate at (and help to set up) the Eta Kappa Nu panel about Computing Education
July 5, 2017 - Student Research Symposium at IEEE COMPSAC 2017
June 25, 2017 - Inaugural meeting of the ACM Future of Computing Academy
June 23-24, 2017 - Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the A.M. Turing Award, in San Francisco
June 22, 2017
- Off to San Francisco for the inaugural meeting of the ACM Future of Computing Academy
June 02, 2017 - A paper about the Energy-aware study room has been accepted to ISGT Europe 2017
May 25, 2017 - AmI students publicly present their projects ideas to local IT companies
May 23, 2017 - Invited to be the IEEE Young Professional representative for the IEEE CS Italy Chapter 
May 22, 2017 - One LBR about cross-device notification strategies accepted to EICS 2017
May 16, 2017 - Time to update this page!
May 9, 2017 - ACM-FCA webinar... live in Denver with other CHI folks
May 8-9, 2017 - Presenting a LBW at CHI 2017, in Denver
May 6, 2017 - Traveling to Denver, CO (USA) for CHI 2017
Apr 21, 2017 - Selected as a member of the ACM Future of Computing Academy (ACM-FCA)!
Apr 13, 2017 - Easter vacation. Finally.
Apr 21, 2017 - GNomon accepted for publication to ACM TACCESS!
Apr 3, 2017 - Start teaching the "Computer Networks 2: practice" course at UPO (Vercelli)
Mar 23, 2017 - One paper accepted to IEEE COMPSAC 2017 (SETA symposium)
Mar 20, 2017 - Inducted as a professional member of Eta-Kappa Nu (HKN), the honor society of IEEE
Mar 14, 2017 - Invited to be Co-Chair of the Student Research Symposium (SRS) at IEEE COMPSAC 2017
Feb 12, 2017 - Two LBWs accepted to CHI 2017
Feb 6, 2017 - Involved in a project to teach Python/CS at high-school students. Log start.

About Luigi

This is me

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, working in the e-Lite research group.

I received my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. The topic of my Ph.D. dissertation was "Interacting with Smart Environments: Users, Interfaces, and Devices".

My research mainly focuses in Human-Computer Interaction. More specifically, I investigate how people can make their experiences with computers more personal, thus overcoming challenges in interaction between humans and computers in complex settings. As such, my work is often applied to Internet-of-Things and distributed environments, and systems empowered by Artificial Intelligence.

I serve as a reviewer for several international journals and conferences and I am an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) and IEEE Internet of Things journal. I was a department editor for the ACM student magazine XRDS up to December 2013, Associate Editor for IEEE Access, and an AC (LBW) for CHI 2019 and 2020. I was an AC for CHI 2021 and 2022, CSCW 2021, IUI 2022, and INTERACT 2021. I am currently an AC for CHI 2023 and IUI 2023. I serve as Vice President for Finance in the ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee. I am an ACM, ACM SIGCHI, and IEEE member. Among local chapters, I am a member of ACM SIGCHI Italy. I served as the Young Professionals Representative for the IEEE Computer Society Italy Chapter until 2021 and I was the Young Professionals Representative for the IEEE Italy Section up to 2019.

On March 20, 2017 I was inducted as a professional member of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), the honor society of IEEE.

In April 2017, I was selected as a member of the inaugural class of the ACM Future of Computing Academy (FCA). Academy members are tasked with becoming "the voice of the future of the computing field at large and of ACM specifically." From July 2019 to June 2021, I have served as FCA Vice-Chair.


Have a look at my Google Scholar profile.


Office hours

  • When: on request
  • Where: Zoom or my office (Department of Control and Computer Engineering, 3nd floor above Segreteria Studenti, B zone)

Lectured courses

  • 2022/2023 (PoliTo + PoliMi)
    • 02JSKOV - Human-Computer Interaction
    • 01TXYOV - Web Applications I (K-Z)
    • 01DXU - Introduzione alle Applicazioni Web
    • 056494 Human-Computer Interaction for AI (PhD course @PoliMi)
  • 2021/2022 (PoliTo)
    • 02JSKOV - Human-Computer Interaction
    • 01TUJOV - Image Processing and Computer Vision
    • 01TXYOV - Web Applications I (M-Z)
    • 01DELPW - Benessere digitale/Digital Wellbeing
    • 01UJUIU Human-AI Interaction (PhD course)
  • 2020/2021 (PoliTo + PoliMi)
    • 02JSKOV - Human-Computer Interaction
    • 01TUJOV - Image Processing and Computer Vision
    • 01UDFOV - Applicazioni Web I (M-Z)
    • 056494 Human-Computer Interaction for AI (PhD course @PoliMi)
  • 2019/2020 (PoliTo + UPO)
    • 02JSKOV - Human-Computer Interaction
    • 01TUJOV - Image Processing and Computer Vision
    • 01TXYOV/01UDFOV - Web Applications I/Applicazioni Web I
    • 01UJUIU - Human-AI Interaction (PhD course)
    • MF0437 - Metodologie di programmazione per il Web (Alessandria)
  • 2018/2019 (PoliTo + UPO)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 01RRDIU - Semantic Web
    • 01QZP - Ambient Intelligence
    • MF0223 - Reti 2: laboratorio (Vercelli)
  • 2017/2018 (PoliTo + UPO)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 01QZP - Ambient Intelligence
    • MF0223 - Reti 2: laboratorio (Vercelli)
  • 2016/2017 (PoliTo + UPO)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 01RRDIU - Semantic Web
    • 01QZP - Ambient Intelligence
    • S1729 - Reti 2: laboratorio (Vercelli)
  • 2015/2016 (PoliTo)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 01QZP - Ambient Intelligence
    • 01QYAPD - Social Networking: technologies and applications
  • 2014/2015 (PoliTo)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 02NPYPD - Linguaggi e Ambienti Multimediali (A e B)
    • 01PRD - Ambient Intelligence: technology and design
  • 2013/2014 (PoliTo)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 02NPYPD - Linguaggi e Ambienti Multimediali A
    • 01PRD - Ambient Intelligence: technology and design
  • 2012/2013 (PoliTo)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 02NPYPD - Linguaggi e Ambienti Multimediali (A e B)
  • 2011/2012 (PoliTo)
    • 04ISFOV/04ISFPD - Computer Vision
    • 02NPYPD - Linguaggi e Ambienti Multimediali A


Mail address:

Luigi De Russis
Politecnico di Torino
Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10129 Torino

Office room: Department of Control and Computer Engineering, 3nd floor above the Registrar's Office (segreteria generale), B zone

Phone: +39 011 090 7170

e-mail: luigi.derussis [at] polito.it

Twitter: @luigidr

Fulvio Corno's pictureWelcome to Fulvio Corno's official Home Page. I am a Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

I coordinate the e-Lite Research Group, where we study how to innovate Intelligent Interactive Systems, through techniques and methods such as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Internet-of-Things (IoT), Ambient Intelligence (AmI), End-User Development (EUD), Information Visualization (InfoVis).

I am a passionate teacher and I always seek new ways to support students' learning paths in my several University courses. All my teaching material and video-lectures is available for free.

More info...



Office hours (orario di ricevimento):

  • You may book a meeting using this link: https://vyte.in/fulcorno/30 (please choose at least 2-3 options, and be specific about the reason), or by contacting me via e-mail (it might be slower...)
  • Location: my office, at Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica (DAUIN), 3rd floor above Segreteria Studenti. The office may be reached by:
    • the entrance on Corso Castelfidardo 39: take one of the lifts in the big hall besides Segreteria Studenti, and go up until 3rd floor, entrance DAUIN 3A. This entrance is easier to find.
    • the entrance on Corso Castelfidardo 24/D (above the LabInf laboratory and the microwave-equipped study room): take the lift to the 3rd floor, entrance DAUIN 3B. This entrance is closer to my office.
    • in both cases, dial by extension number (7053) from the phone besides the entrance door.





Career status


  • He is (or was) involved in several European research projects (in the 4th, 5th and 6th Framework Programmes and in e-learning projects) as well as National and Regional ones.
  • His current research interests include the application of Semantic Web technologies to information systems engineering, the conception and design of Intelligent Domotic Environments, and advanced multimedia and multi-modal interfaces for alternative access to computer systems.
  • He published more than 200 papers at international conferences and over 40 on international journals (see "Publications" or the list on the Open Access repository).
  • He is Editorial Board Member of the IT Professional IEEE Magazine.

Institutional activities


  • Active in several courses (see "Students"), from the undergraduate through the doctorate level.

Breve CV

Dopo la Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica ed il Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Informatica e dei Sistemi, entrambi conseguiti al Politecnico di Torino, ha svolto la propria carriera accademica al Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica del Politecnico stesso, dove attualmente è Professore Ordinario di Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni.
È docente di Human Computer Interaction, Tecniche di Programmazione, Web Applications e Informatica, e non perde l'occasione per sperimentare ed innovare nuove metodologie didattiche ed un maggior coinvolgimento studente-docente. Dal 2018 ricopre il ruolo di vice-coordinatore del Collegio di Ingegneria Informatica, del Cinema e Meccatronica. Dal 2019 è presidente del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico del CSI Piemonte. È il coordinatore del gruppo di ricerca "e-Lite: Intelligent and Interactive Systems", dove si occupa di ambienti intelligenti, interazione uomo-macchina, internet of things ed accessibilità. Ha al proprio attivo oltre 200 pubblicazioni su riviste e congressi internazionali, e partecipa al comitato editoriale di IEEE IT Professional e Journal on Reliable Intelligent Environments. Ha partecipato e coordinato diversi progetti di ricerca europei e nazionali. È membro delle società scientifiche IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM.


See my publication list on the Politecnico di Torino's Open Access repository (PORTO).

Please wait, loading publications from PORTO...


  • E-mail (preferred contact method):
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Home page:
  • Telegram:
    • @fulcorno
  •  Phone:
    • +39 011 564 7053
  • Fax:
    • +39 011 564 7099
  • Complete Mailing address
    • Fulvio Corno
      Politecnico di Torino
      Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica
      Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
      10129 TORINO (TO)
  • LinkedIn (if you want to invite me to your network, please explain who you are: I don't accept invitations by unknown persons):
  • Personal contacts (unrelated from my professional activities):


Our publications are available throught PORTO@Iris, the open repository of publications produced by the scientific community of Politecnico di Torino.


Projects and Collaborations

We actively collaborate with international associations, non-profit and public institutions, as well as industrial partners. Have a look at our current and past collaborations!


Tools and Downloads

We are committed with the Open Source community. Most of our software is freely available under Open Source licenses. Check out our downloads area!